Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Blue Hot Gossip Comedy Show 1

Welcome to the premiere edition of the Blue Hot Gossip Comedy Show. I've taken The Gossip News and expanded it into a full show with music and a mix of comedy bits. It includes a new segment of The Gossip News.

Since I'm making this a new show I've changed the feed to The old Gossip News feed will no longer work. For now I'm considering doing these on a monthly basis; I'm already busy enough with Podcast Ping and Beowulf. Expanding this to a weekly would require dropping Podcast Ping down from a weekly podcast, if not altogether. And there's still a matter of finding enough good comedy music to use. So for now I'll keep it monthly.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Gossip News 2: Paris Hilton Training For The Olympics?

The second episode of the popular new comedy podcast. Over 1,500 downloads of the first episode!
(Updated link)